Careers and Futures
Careers Lead - Alex Greaves (
Our approach to Careers and Futures at Elmfield is integrated, structured and personalised for each student.
We see Careers and Futures education as a vital component of the curriculum, preparing students for their future life, and supporting them on their lifelong journey through learning and work.
Our role is to inform, guide and nurture individual development into adulthood, enabling the best choices to be made at each stage of the journey. Careers and Futures education runs through the school and includes activities and events delivered through all departments. The quantity of input builds each year as students approach independent adult life.
In Class 7 and 8, students explore their own personal development as they progress into Upper School and we look at key skills for future life and work through a series of careers sessions within the PSHCEE programme.
“When I applied to my local sixth form college the moment I mentioned I had been to a Steiner school they became less interested in my GSCE grades and much more interested in giving me a place! The reputation of my Steiner school and the impression made by ex-Steiner students before me meant that the college was eager for more. They amazed me with their enthusiasm for Steiner students.”