Education is a journey, not a race
Here, at Elmfield School, we offer a vision for education that is not obsessed with “catch-up”, or with endless, stressful preparation for assessments.
Our approach is to focus on the heart and hands, as well as the head: creativity and imagination are integral to all we do. In this, we are part of an international, independent educational system which has over 1,150 schools worldwide, all dedicated to recognising and acknowledging the unique spirit and talents of each individual child.
At Elmfield, our curriculum spans the full 12 years. Through delaying formal learning until the age of six or seven, we enable pupils to develop literacy, numeracy and social skills through play-based learning in our Nursery and Kindergarten. Pupils then make rapid progress through the Lower School, where both Spanish and German are taught from the age of six, and onwards into Secondary education. As the school is located in the beautiful grounds of one single campus, the transition between the Lower School and Upper School is seamless.
What is more, Ofsted note that our examination results in the Upper School are consistently above national average and that “pupils leave school well prepared for the next stage of their education”. This is achieved without selecting on ability, like many other independent schools.
We aim to prepare children to meet the challenges of the 21st century, and to develop the problem-solving skills required for a sustainable future, through an education that connects with them in an inspiring and practical way. In this digital age, when facts are so easily accessed, it is creativity, imagination and intuition that set us apart from so many other schools.
We are so secure and confident in the environment we create that, for us, “everyday as an Open Day”. We welcome requests for tours at any time and are sure you will be inspired by what you see.
“I have enjoyed not only how good our education has been but also how personal everything is. I am so grateful for everything this school has done for me. I will never forget it!”
Our Mission Statement
Our task at Elmfield is to help the children to realise their own potential. Together we endeavour to provide education rooted in Rudolf Steiner’s view of the human being, thus preparing the children for their individual paths in life.