Upper School
For ages 14-17
In the Upper School, we continue to work with the international Waldorf Curriculum with our own uniquely developed body based learning programme.
This exciting curriculum offers what we believe is the most interesting curriculum in the country. The broad range of subjects and the way they are taught give our students opportunities that are just not available in the mainstream.
The GCSE programme is also introduced in the Upper School and runs over three years. Students normally take 4 GCSEs in class 10 and the remainder in class 11. The majority of the students go on to college to do A-levels. GCSE results are available on the Exam Results page.
We aim for our students to:
Seek the right balance between freedom and responsibility
Find growing self awareness and confidence
Develop independent power of judgement
Have the strength of character to act responsibly from their own insight
Each year a class trip is taken:
Class 9 students visit our sister school in Schloss Hamborn, Germany and work on their school farm
In Class 10 our students may work on a community based project
Class 11, after a major fundraising effort, normally travel abroad as a culmination of their time together at Elmfield
Beyond the specific skills across the curriculum, each subject should be an opportunity to raise wider issues. We believe that such study should not be focused solely on learning or passing exams but should be seen as a means to reflect on the deeper questions that young people have within themselves, and to guide them towards becoming responsible, creative, purposeful citizens.
During the Upper School years, we regularly have pupils join us from abroad which enriches the school community.
This video gives an overview of life in our Upper School (ages 15 to 17). Topics covered include: Morning Modules explained; the aims of the Upper School, pupils sharing their experiences; GCSE's; how our approach is about much more than exams; and an exchange student giving the views of a visiting boarder.
“When I applied to my local sixth form college the moment I mentioned I had been to a Steiner school they became less interested in my GSCE grades and much more interested in giving me a place! The reputation of my Steiner school and the impression made by ex-Steiner students before me meant that the college was eager for more. They amazed me with their enthusiasm for Steiner students.”