It is our aim to make Steiner Waldorf education available to pupils from as wide a range of economic and social backgrounds as possible within the prevailing circumstances. Tuition fees vary as children progress through the school.

Main School - January - July 2025 (inc. VAT)

Per Term (1st Child) Per Term (2nd Child) Per Term (3rd Child)

Transition £2730 £2457 £2320

Class 1-5 £3191 £2872 £2712

Class 6-8 £3688 £3161 £2985

Class 9-11 £3998 £3427 £3236

Further children will be charged at the third child rate.

Early Years Academic Year 2024/25


Funded Package -

15 hours to be taken over four mornings.

30 hours according to eligibility to be taken over four and half days (Afternoons can only be added to mornings)

An additional morning can be taken - £34.00 per morning

An additional afternoon(s) can be taken - £17.00 per afternoon

Acorns: 4 & 5 YEAR OLDS

Post Funding Package -

Up to 5 mornings at £34.00 per morning

Up to 5 afternoons at £17.00 per afternoon (Afternoons can be added only if a morning is booked)

Oak Trees: Academic year your child turns 6

Transition Package - 3 full days and 2 mornings on set days of the week. Invoiced termly.

Fixed package - See Main School section (above) for Transition Fees.

Transition Package+ - As above but with additional full days charged at the afternoon rate of £17.00 (i.e. with Wednesday and/or Friday afternoons).

All charges will be invoiced termly in advance and are subject to school payment terms and conditions.


‘Stay and Play’ Sessions £40.70 per half term.

These sessions must be booked in advance, on a half termly basis, and will be paid as soon as the booking is confirmed via Evolve.

Ad hoc bookings on the day can be made at a cost of £8.50 per session.

Woodland Family Sessions

Woodland Family Session - £44.00 per half term.

These sessions must be booked in advance, on a half termly basis, and will be paid as soon as the booking is confirmed via Evolve.

Ad hoc bookings on the day can be made at a cost of £9.60 per session.

Breakfast Club

Full session (7:15am - 8:45am) £8.80 per child (second child discount £7.90)

Half session (8:00am - 8:45am) £5.50 per child (second child discount £4.95)

After School Club 

Full session (3.15pm - 5.15pm) £13.20 per child (second child discount £11.80)

Half session (3:15pm - 4:30pm) £8.80 per child (second child discount £7.90)

These sessions must be booked in advance, on a termly basis, and will be paid as soon as the booking is confirmed via Evolve.

Ad hoc bookings - we recognise that you may need to make occasional use of our service. If there is space, we will try to accommodate your child but cannot guarantee a space.

Ad hoc bookings until 5.15pm will be charged at £14.50 per session with no discounts.

Late pick up payments: if your child is booked in until 5.15pm but is not picked up by then you will be charged the additional late payment charge of £5.50.

Payment of Fees

Termly payment

Fees and extras are due in full by the 10th day of each term. For parental convenience, we would recommend setting up a Standing Order via your banking app.


The school understands that payment in full can be difficult and as such offers parents the opportunity to pay their fees monthly. Please ensure all monthly payments are cleared by the 10th of the month.

Advance payment of fees

Fees may be paid in advance for the full year. Please write to the Finance Administrator ( well in advance if you wish to make such an arrangement.


A term’s notice must be given, in writing, to the School Lead before the removal of any pupil. If such notice is not given, a full term’s fees will be charged in lieu.

Refund policy

Registration Fees are non-refundable, regardless of whether the place is taken up or not. Refunds for academic and boarding fees are covered by the Parent Contract which must be agreed and signed prior to other monies being transferred.

Fees are governed by our Fees and Payments Policy, the latest version of which can be found on the Policies and Procedures page of the website. 

We remain very grateful for the strong overall commitment, energy and goodwill offered by the parents at Elmfield.


Is there a registration fee?

To register for a place parents must fill out the Registration Form and pay the Registration Fee. For UK and overseas one-term students, the Registration Fee is £50. The Registration Fee is payable by bank transfer.

Registration Fees are non-refundable, regardless of whether the place is taken up or not. Refunds are covered by the Parent Contract which must be agreed and signed prior to other monies being transferred. 

Can fees be paid in a lump sum?

Fees may be paid in advance for the full year or for more than one year. Please write to the Finance Administrator well in advance if you wish to make such an arrangement.

Can fees be paid in instalLments?

Payments for fees and extras can be made in full at the start of each term or can be made in monthly instalments per term.

Are discounts available for siblings

We are pleased to be able to offer a sibling discount on the fees of those who are siblings. This is outlined at the top of this page.

What is the notice period and will I get my deposit back?

A term’s notice must be given, in writing, to the School Lead before the removal of any pupil. If such notice is not given, a full term’s fees will be charged in lieu.


Contact Elmfield

When I applied to my local sixth form college the moment I mentioned I had been to a Steiner school they became less interested in my GSCE grades and much more interested in giving me a place! The reputation of my Steiner school and the impression made by ex-Steiner students before me meant that the college was eager for more. They amazed me with their enthusiasm for Steiner students.
— Graciella Woodger-Ray