Our Strategic Plan for 2019-2024
The first Waldorf school was founded in 1919 with the help and advice of Dr Rudolf Steiner by the director of the Waldorf-Astoria factory in Stuttgart, Germany, who wanted a new kind of education for the children of his factory workers. Today over 1100 Waldorf schools and more than 1800 Waldorf kindergartens exist worldwide.
Elmfield Rudolf Steiner School was first established in 1935 in Selly Oak, with the help of teacher Eileen Hutchins at the request of Michael Wilson and Fried Geuter of Sunfield in Clent. The school relocated to our current site in Love Lane in 1946. Since then Elmfield has grown and developed in many ways as we continue our commitment to an education that deeply engages the richness of Waldorf education.
Our Strategic Plan sets out our vision and objectives for Elmfield over the five years 2019-2024. It builds on the strong foundations of our past and serves to strengthen our school to ensure the education we provide remains rooted in the Waldorf ethos whilst being equally contemporary and relevant to our modern school community.
The full plan can be found by clicking here.
Stourbridge, Summer Term 2019, Elmfield Council.
“Elmfield has allowed me to be an individual.”