Concerns and complaints
Please contact the school if you have a complaint.
If you have a concern about any aspect of the School, you are warmly encouraged to speak to the person directly responsible for the subject of your concern.
We have found that direct communication is often the most constructive way of resolving issues. This would normally be, for example:
concerns about teaching or other educational aspects - your child’s class teacher or guardian
concerns about general administrative or financial aspects - the admin team
It is recognised however that there are circumstances in which a direct approach may not be possible or appropriate. In this case please contact School’s Designated Person for complaints (DP), who will facilitate a meeting with (or without) the member of staff involved. The DP is Elaine Sheppard, Education Manager (
The DP carries responsibility on behalf of the school to ensure that correct procedure is followed throughout the process of any complaint.
It is our aim to deal with any issues informally. However, if the matter cannot be resolved informally, you should raise it as a formal complaint by putting it in writing. You should also raise a formal complaint immediately if the issue is one of grave seriousness.
Full details of the correct processes and procedures can be found in our Concerns and Complaints Policy.
Please Note: Our staff have the right to work in an environment free from harassment, intimidation and victimisation. Whilst parents may feel angry or impassioned about the issues within their complaint, they are asked to raise issues constructively and work with the school to resolve issues amicably where possible.
“Thank you Elmfield for giving me all that I need to feel ready to go out into the world! I will always remember how happy I’ve been here.”