Here are a selection of testimonials from parents and pupils.
Testimonials from parents
Testimonials from past pupils
Comments from former Elmfield Class 11 pupils
“I have enjoyed not only how good our education has been but also how personal everything is. I am so grateful for everything this school has done for me. I will never forget it!”
“Elmfield has allowed me to be an individual.”
“I’ve enjoyed almost everything about Elmfield. It’s been brilliant and given me the platform and support to be who I want to be. There has also been the freedom to persevere in my own areas of interest.”
“Thank you Elmfield for giving me all that I need to feel ready to go out into the world! I will always remember how happy I’ve been here.”
Former scholars from Steiner schools in the UK and around the world have their say
“When approached by the news media and asked the question, ‘What did Waldorf education do for you?’ I replied, it encouraged me to always strive to become a better human being.’”
“Steiner education has taught me to study for the sake of studying rather than to pass exams; the difference is crucial.”
“Having a Steiner Education taught me how to think for myself, make my own choices and be responsible for my decisions. It gave me the tools to be able to relate to people, be adaptable, creative and sensitive to the needs of others.”
“My Steiner school was an environment that nurtured free-thinking, well-rounded, passionate and positive young people.”
“I am deeply grateful for my Waldorf education, which woke me up and helped me rediscover my imagination.”
“The most important gift I and my children received from a Steiner education is an abiding and life-long interest in the world and how we can work together with our fellow human beings to improve it.”
“Possibly the most valuable aspect of Steiner education is learning to think independently and question everything from what the media tells us to the very nature of existence.”
“One of the greatest gifts of a Steiner education is a sense of proportion – I work in an industry with a lot of very large egos and a very low ethical standard (not a good combination). I feel privileged to be able to bring another world view into this milieu, and hopefully have some small positive effect. There is no doubt in my mind that a Steiner School education is an advantage, and not a barrier, in the world of ‘conventional’ careers”
“I have now returned as a parent to the Steiner school I attended and find myself a part of a socially pioneering community of parents and teachers, giving all they can to an establishment they truly believe in. This has been a very encouraging and humbling experience, and I wish more parents could feel as involved in their children’s education.”
“When I applied to my local sixth form college the moment I mentioned I had been to a Steiner school they became less interested in my GSCE grades and much more interested in giving me a place! The reputation of my Steiner school and the impression made by ex-Steiner students before me meant that the college was eager for more. They amazed me with their enthusiasm for Steiner students.”
“My advice to any parent would be to try and send their child to a Steiner school. It encompasses so much more than the traditional idea of education and gives you the ability to really view the world through your own eyes and ideas.”
“If I was to sum up in brief what Steiner gave me: it was attitude. I believe this to be the MOST important thing as you take it everywhere with you and it underpins everything you do. The courage to dream big and to follow those dreams with courage passion and integrity.”
“I think the end result of Waldorf education is to raise our consciousness. There is a heightened consciousness of what our senses bring us from the world around us, about our feelings, about the way we relate to other people. It taught me how to think for myself, to be responsible for my decisions. Second, it made me a good listener, sensitive to the needs of others. And third, it helped establish meaningful beliefs.”
“Thank you Elmfield for giving me all that I need to feel ready to go out into the world! I will always remember how happy I’ve been here.”