Our school is governed by our Council of Management. They meet at least six times a year and are accountable for upholding our Waldorf ethos, major strategic decisions, evaluating risks and maintaining the financial and educational viability of the school.
Members of Council are volunteers, freely giving time, knowledge and skills, to work as the school's governing body. Elmfield, as a not-for-profit charity, is obliged to have Trustees whose duty it is to ensure the school does what it was set up to do, which is, provide "education according to the principles of Rudolf Steiner", and in doing so, meet the test of "public benefit" as defined by the Charity Commission.
Similarly, Council members are also Directors of a Company "limited by guarantee" answerable to Elmfield School Association, which elects them. The word "Council" therefore integrates governance, trusteeship and directorship responsibilities in line with the schools constitution & legal framework.
Elmfield Rudolf Steiner School relies not only upon the quality and commitment of its staff, but also on the contribution of its Council. School governance may not be easy, but it is incredibly rewarding!
If you are interested in becoming a member of Council, please consider this information and follow the application process for our Council Vacancies which are on our Vacancies Page.
Our current members of Council are:
Chair & Safeguarding - Sue Dawson (councilchair@elmfield.com)
Community - Rachel Schieber (rachel.schieber@elmfield.com)
Finance - Roger Pauli (roger.pauli@elmfield.com)
Members of the Council of Management can be also contacted via the school’s office on 01384 394633, or by writing to Elmfield Rudolf Steiner School, Love Lane, Stourbridge, DY8 2EA.
Our Strategic Plan for 2019-2024 can be found by clicking here.
“When approached by the news media and asked the question, ‘What did Waldorf education do for you?’ I replied, it encouraged me to always strive to become a better human being.”