Our curriculum

As a Steiner Waldorf school we follow the international Waldorf Curriculum rather than the National Curriculum.

You can read a comparison between SW and NC here.

Our curriculum has been developed from the internationally recognised Waldorf Curriculum introduced by Rudolf Steiner.

This curriculum weaves through the entire school with subjects and topics carefully placed to meet the appropriate needs of the developing child. Everything is taught at a specific time for specific reasons, with subjects naturally evolving and building upon each other to form a cohesive whole as our students progress through Elmfield.


Elmfield sees education as reaching beyond academic qualifications and skills.

We aim for our pupils to

  • be equipped for the world with a strong sense of values, responsibility and confidence

  • attain good qualifications

  • be able to think freely and independently, with lifelong curiosity for learning

  • be able to find the place in the world where they can fulfil their potential


Developmental Needs

Designed to respond to the developmental needs of the child, and education which

  • respects childhood, nurtures the imagination, instils strong values

  • nourishes each child’s imagination, enthusiasm and wonder

  • fosters a lifelong sense of curiosity and love of learning


Nature and Seasons

An education in tune with the seasons, nature and the rhythms of life

  • an awareness of nature and the world

  • fostering a sense of wonder about the world

  • developing practical skills such as gardening and cooking

  • scientific understanding in the older pupil


Creative Education

At Elmfield education 

  • is a living, creative process

  • is enriched by sensory, imaginative and intellectual nourishment

  • uses art, crafts, music and movement as integral learning tools


Our curriculum statements can be found below

The Steiner Waldorf Curriculum - Aims and Intentions

Curriculum policy 2022

SW and NC Aims – comparison

Development Profiles

Early Years

Early Years Curriculum Statement

EYFS and Transition (ages 5-6) Curriculum Statement

Transition (ages 5-6): The Embedded Curriculum

Curricular Activities for ages 5-6

Exemptions and Modifications to EYFS Aug 2021

Lower School

Lower School Curriculum Statement

Upper School

Upper School Curriculum Statement


Curriculum Overview

Skill Ladder - Lower School

Skill Ladder - Middle & Upper School

Vertical Curriculum

Reading and Spelling Policy

Students in Class 9 and 10 will follow AQA English Language and those in Class 11 will be able to choose CIE English Literature as one of their Options.


Curriculum Overview

Long Term Plans

Middle School Curriculum

Upper School Curriculum


Kindergarten to Class 5

Class 6 to Class 8

Long Term Intent

Long Term Plans

Vertical Curriculum

Working Scientifically

Students in Class 9,10 and 11 will follow the CIE Co-Ordinated Science with the Option to follow AQA Single Biology should they wish.

Modern Foreign Language

Curriculum overview


Curriculum overview

Enhanced Capacities


Curriculum overview

Gym and Games

Curriculum overview


Geography Curriculum overview

Geography Long Term Intent

History Curriculum overview


Long Term Intent

Vertical Curriculum


Music Curriculum


Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural Intent

PHSCEE Policy With SMSC Statement

Vertical Curriculum KG - Class 6

Veridical Curriculum Class 5- Class 11