About Rudolf Steiner

Our Curriculum

Photos of the Curriculum in Action

Early Years Nursery & Kindergarten

Early Years Nursery & Kindergarten Packages

Lower School Ages 6 - 14

Upper School Ages 14 - 17

Examples of Main Lesson work

Wraparound Care

GCSE Results

Special Educational Needs and Disability

The Best Age to Begin Formal Education

Ten Good Reasons to Join Elmfield

Duke of Edinburgh's Award


Parents carefully and deliberately choose Steiner Waldorf education to give their children a broad, rich and imaginative early childhood in mixed age groups for children from 2 to 6+ years, giving them an unpressured childhood experience.

Education and care is holistic, play based, embeds the foundations of literacy, numeracy, science etc., and enables the children to fulfil their potential and a love of learning.

The practitioners lead a range of age-appropriate activities without formal instruction so that the children can learn at their own pace in an enabling environment which offers effective and broad foundations for later formal learning.

The children transition to Class 1 or primary schools socially competent, emotionally secure and resilient. They are good communicators and have excellent physical abilities and skills.
The Steiner Waldorf early childhood experience encourages enthusiastic, creative, questioning, imaginative children who can give purpose and direction to their lifelong learning.”
— Elmfield Early Years Nursery & Kindergarten