Waldorf Matters … Learning in Nature

Mrs Cerian Carrier is our Lead LSA at Elmfield. In our weekly blog series about key aspects of Steiner Waldorf education, Cerian discusses the importance of trips and outside learning in a Waldorf context


Over the years, I have been fortunate to accompany various classes on their outings and trips.

Some of these have been short day trips, looking at local history or going to events, others have been longer residential trips. Whichever is case, they relate to the developmental age of the pupils as well as linking into the Waldorf curriculum for that year group.

The outings gradually build up over the years from simple walks to the park for the younger pupils to an adventure, often abroad, for the pupils in the final year of their Elmfield journey..

Though destinations are generally variable, there are some trips that are quite iconic.  In Class 5 it is customary to do an athletics event which is referred to as The Olympics.  It involves quite a lot of preparation and creates a lot of excitement within the class.  The class will have studied ancient Greece and other ancient civilizations during the year so the trip links closely with their learning.

The event is held at another Waldorf school in Sussex and is attended by a number of other Waldorf schools, all of the same year group and who will all have studied ancient Greece.  It is a week of camping in the school grounds.  The pupils must fetch water daily for their camp and help with washing up their own plates.  All other jobs are done by accompanying adults.  During the first few days, the pupils practise for the Olympic challenges.  They are divided into teams, each team having a cross section of pupils from several different schools.  By the evenings, they are thoroughly exhausted and, of course, ravenous.  The final event is held on Saturday and families travel to Essex to be in the audience and watch their children competing.  The opening ceremony is quite something to witness.  The children enter the arena in homemade white togas and a traditional ‘Olympic torch’ is carried by a chosen member of each team.  Good weather is naturally a bonus and again, food is important.  Each school provides a picnic for their pupils which can be very creative and a feast for the eyes as well as the stomach.  It’s a wonderful time and the Class always returns full of enthusiasm and exciting stories.

Year 7 is another trip which generally has a common theme.  It’s usually physically challenging and is often outward bound based though they have also been on tall ships.  The current class 7 has recently come back from their residential trip in Shropshire where they challenged themselves to do abseiling, a climbing wall, low ropes, kayaking and many other activities.  I was really happy to go with them and see them in a different context outside of the school grounds.  It was great fun and, as always, amazing to see them overcome doubts about themselves as well as strengthen friendships and team building skills.  I hope that they will look back on their experience with fond memories and pride in their achievements. 

Hopefully they won’t remember my disco dancing.